Getting Started with the Mediterranean Diet

Getting Started with the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes on consumption of the following foods:
Healthy fats: If you have been used to cooking foods with coconut oil or olive oil, then you should switch to healthy fats such as olive oil when getting started with the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil is healthy and normally rich in mono-saturated fatty acids, which help with improving the good type of cholesterol. Olive oil can be used on finished dishes by drizzling to boost flavor.

Nuts, seeds and legumes: This class of plant foods is a great source of protein and fiber. Nuts and seeds also provide antioxidants and healthy fats. You can eat small portions of nuts daily or servings of legumes at least twice a week.

Fish and eggs: Consider eating fish and eggs about two to three times per week. Eggs should be in the menu most of the times.

Dairy: You can include dairy from cultured milk, such as yoghurt and cheeses. Cultured dairy is easy to digest and a good source of beneficial bacteria that improve the health of the digestive system.

Whole grains: Refined carbs are known to lack nutrients and have a way of impacting the blood sugar negatively. Whole grains are the best and should always be eaten with healthy fats and protein. You can incorporate fermented grains for easy digestion and nutrient absorption in a better way.

Herbs and spices: Spices and herbs are filled with antioxidants and plant compounds that help with fighting the effects of inflammation.

Meal Plan to Lose Weight

If your intention of being on a Mediterranean diet is to lose weight and gain the health benefits that come with being on the diet, then having a meal plan can greatly help. Here is a 7-day meal plan that you can use to get started. 


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